Monday, September 30, 2019

Sunrise Over Fallujah

Last Year Popular author Walter Dean Meyers published his newly book titled Sunrise Over Fallujah, His final book in the anticipated war series. This is the best war book he has ever written. Since he was in Vietnam, and he has relatives that have fought in the war against terrorism. So he has major experience in the war factor, knowing what could possibly be going on. Sunrise Over Fallujah is about a teenage boy from Harlem, New York. His name is Robin, and he joined the army. He's not so sure why he did because he is always so nervous about it. When he joins he meets someone named Jonesy. Jonesy black man who is very confident in himself and loves to write and listen to blues music. Robin also meets some pretty harsh people like Marla, Marla is a very pretty lady who thinks she is better then everyone she meets. In the beginning of the book it starts off describing how Iraq is and if Robin is going to be in the war. Everyone wants to go into the war for some reason, but Robin, and Jonesy are pretty nervous about it. Since Mr. Meyers knows about war there’s nothing in this book that can disappoint. The real problem is that they have their enemies trying to get them with detonators, and other dangerous explosive weapons. Mr. Meyers shows in this book how soldiers can grow brotherhood with other soldiers. He is very descriptive so it’s like you’re watching a movie. Meyers shows how gruesome war could really be. He also shows that the war could effect everyone including children. In the end Jonesy becoming a hero, and Robin overcame his worries. Jonesy became a hero because a blind kid was lost in a street battle and Jonesy ran after him and saved him. Then later Jonesy died because of his gun wounds he had suffered. Robin finally became used to the fact that he was in the army, and stopped worrying.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

American Indian Stories: Native Americans Essay

In American Indian Stories, University of Nebraska Press Lincoln and London edition, the author, Zitkala-Sa, tries to tell stories that depicted life growing up on a reservation. Her stories showed how Native Americans reacted to the white man’s ways of running the land and changing the life of Indians. â€Å"Zitkala-Sa was one of the early Indian writers to record tribal legends and tales from oral tradition† (back cover) is a great way to show that the author’s stories were based upon actual events in her life as a Dakota Sioux Indian. This essay will describe and analyze Native American life as described by Zitkala-Sa’s American Indian Stories, it will relate to Native Americans and their interactions with American societies, it will discuss the major themes of the book and why the author wrote it, it will describe Native American society, its values and its beliefs and how they changed and it will show how Native Americans views other non-Natives. Before the introduction of the â€Å"pale face† Native Americans lived a calm and serene life. They lived in big communities and help one another in order to survive. They had a form of religion, poly-theistic, that would be their main form of salvation. They had chiefs and warriors. They had teepees that would allow them to quickly pack up and move. The Native Americans were a nomadic, primitive people that did not live up to the whiter man’s view of â€Å"civilization†. However, the white man, pale face, felt the need to change the Native Americans barbaric ways of life. The Americans were smart in their efforts in trying to convert the Indians. They would go after the kids because they were still young and gullible. â€Å"Yes, my child, several others besides Judewin are going away with the palefaces. Your brother said the missionaries had inquired about his little sister†¦ â€Å"Did he tell them to take me, mother† (40). The children were impressionable. In this first story, the daughter gets hooked on going with the missionaries because they said they had apple trees and being that she has never seen an apple tree, she begged her mother to go not knowing that her mother did not want to send her away. Some Indians enjoyed leaving with the Americans; others did not because of what the Americans had done to the Indians. The mother in this story had told her daughter stories of what the paleface had done and how they had killed most of her family. â€Å"There is what the paleface has done! Since then your father too has been buried in a hill nearer the rising sun. We where once very happy. But the paleface has stolen our lands and driven us hither. Having defrauded us of our land, the paleface forced us away† (10). Having knowing this, the little girl still persisted and wanted to go with the paleface. Many of the Indians that left with the missionaries were gone for many years and did not know how much had changed back at home. In the story The Soft-Hearted Sioux a young man comes back home after receiving an education from the missionaries. He had left before he was taught how to survive out in the wild. He came back to dying and starving parents. He was brainwashed by the missionaries because he went against his family’s customs and told the medicine man never to come back and that God will save his father. He started preaching God’s words to his people and they left the community. His father was growing sicker and sicker and he needed food. His son went out everyday trying to get something but had no skills in hunting. His father had told him to go two hills over and he could find meat. With no concept of ownership, the son went and killed a cow that belonged to an American. Upon leaving with the meat he was chased down and attacked by the â€Å"owner† of the cattle. The son accidentally killed the man and fled back to his father’s teepee only to realize that he was too late and that his father had died. He was so conditioned by the white man that he had forgotten his ancestors’ ways of survival. The book suggests that Native Americans were not savages and that they had a normal lifestyle before the Americans came in and changed everything. Their society was based upon helping one another out. It was also based upon mobility. They would have to make homes in such a way that they could just pack up and leave whenever they needed to. The Native Americans had a values based on nature, life and death. The believed that you must respect nature, respect the living and put a special emphasis on the dead. In The Dead Man’s Plum Bush the little girl walked by a plum bush that had just blossomed out beautiful plums. When the girl had reached to grab one of the plums her mother had told her not to and explained that â€Å"the roots are wrapped around an Indian’s skeleton. A brave is buried here. While he lived he was so fond of playing the game of striped plum seeds that, at his death, his set of plum seeds were buried in his hands. From them sprang up this little bush† (32). The fact that the bush was there because of a man’s fascination with plum seeds and that no one can enjoy its fruits shows how much respect for the dead is played through the Native Americans’ beliefs. Zitkala-Sa’s main motives for writing this book was to show â€Å"one of the first attempts by a native American woman to write her own story† (back cover). Another main motive was to inform people of the way that the Americans came and took over the Indians’ land and people; the land was taken by force and the people by bribing little kids. The main theme for the book was to show how the Indians felt about the Americans. Going by the book, there is no set way of showing how many people liked or disliked the Americans. However, it is noticeable that the parents clearly did not like the Americans because they knew what the Americans had done to them in the past and what they are doing to them presently. They knew that the Americans came in and killed their ancestors and forced others to leave their lands. They knew that they were taking their children away and brainwashing them into thinking that their families were savages and that the Americans had more to offer them. They knew that the Americans were making their kids forget about their ways of living and their beliefs. The children, however, saw the Americans invitation as a way to better themselves and their families. The children would happily go away with the American strangers thinking that everything would be better for them. Zitkala-Sa tried to show how her people were treated by Americans in her book American Indian Stories. She showed how the Indians life was before the Americans and how it had changed after the introduction of the Americans. She proved that not all of the Indians liked the white people. She proved that most of the children that left did not remember their family’s way of life. She proved that when the Americans came they not only took the Indians’ land, they also took their people. Works Cited Zitkala-Sa. American Indian Stories. University Of Nebraska Press. Lincoln and Lo.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Human resourse practice in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human resourse practice in China - Essay Example It also focuses on identifying the connections among these practices and highlighting the cultural dimensions of China. 1.1 Recruitment and selection In historical perspective, recruitment and selection of employees had little significance in China. They were following an iron rice bowl system, which has no policy of external labor market. All practices of HR such as recruiting, training, compensation and performance appraisal were handled by this one single system. However, after 1995, many countries started working on free labor market including China. This involved recruiting from all levels such as universities, colleges and schools, which is a common practice nowadays in China and many other developed countries. Presently, researches have noted that mostly in organizations 80% of employees get jobs on the basis of sources such as relatives, family, and friends etc. this is an illegal practice. This large amount of percentage should be reduced and other people should also be pref erred while recruiting and selection process. It have also been noted that most of the companies in China also prefer to transfer managers internally in order to fill the vacancies rather than hiring a person from outside (Child J, 2000). A selection criterion of China differs as compared to the other western countries. It focuses more on its cultural values i.e. guanxi, which means that there should be relationship among companies, employees and the government. Then only an organization leads to success. This culture focuses on the idea that employees should know that they are obliged to create a fit in their job and company should be able to retain the excess staff in case of new positions. This results to over employment in an organization. In recruiting and selection process companies should have more focus on skill and experience of a person rather than identifying that a person is Chinese or a foreigner, which is the common practice of Chinese companies. 1.2 Training and devel opment Education, training and development of employees lead to efficiency in performance and provide various benefits to the enterprise. In past it was identified that about 1.5% of workers in china had a suitable qualification, 27.3% studied till high school and 7.8% workers had technical knowledge. This shows that Chinese workers had lack of skills and were untrained. But after centralization of economy, China has concentrated more on the training and development of employees. Workers were provided internships and technical education in order to make them skilled persons. But a major problem identified in this program was that during training it resulted that most of the workers mismatched with their job, which lead to less work and productivity. Training programs were more concentrated on political issues in order to enhance the culture of China rather than technical education. This led to a drawback and indicates that the training system of China is mostly linked to theory rath er than practice. Workers are provided very narrow training aspect and they lack the ability to solve a problem in a practical way. Therefore, it can be said that the training and development process of China is passive and it does not produce creative and dynamic workers (Wei L & Lau C, 2005). Talented employees switch their jobs on two condition i.e. good salary or better carrier opportunities. But research indicated that in China employees are switching job because of better environment, compensation, knowledge, respectful position and carrier growth. In order to cope up with this situation Chinese management association introduced various courses on the education of management systems in many

Friday, September 27, 2019

Information Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Information Security - Essay Example There is also a vast body of empirical evidence that demonstrates that general managers ought to be much more involved in the formulation and implementation of information security because they are more able to assess particular types of risks, more attuned to cost-benefit considerations, and better able to integrate information security into a business organization's larger structure than narrow-minded security specialists (Lacity, 2005). In order to more clearly elaborate how organizations should approach information security issues, this essay will discuss how businesses should strike a balance between information security and information sclerosis and what professional competencies ought to oversee information security policies, procedures, and practices. As an initial matter, it should be noted that information security can be neglected by business organizations (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998) as well be over-hyped and made far too complex for complete use (Angus, 2005; Miller, 2005). The most prudent course of action, to be sure, is neither a zero-information security policy nor a systemic approach that is too complex (Angus, 2005) or too expensive (Lacity, 2005) for the organization's needs. A balance needs to be struck. Commenting on a study carried out by the GAO, the National Institute of Standards and Technology established a viable framework for promoting good practices for information security programs; this framework deals with risk assessment, the taking steps to reduce risk, and the creation of a central management group devoted to these risk management functions. This section will address good practices as they pertain to risk assessment and tailoring an information security policy to organizational goals and to remain cost-effective. The essence of an effective risk assessment procedure is not to assume that every conceivable risk can be planned for, but instead to identify steps to reduce the treat of potential risks to levels that are deemed acceptable (Workstation Services Support Group, 1998). This notion of acceptability is crucial to any cost-benefit analysis involving an information security system. The first step is to create a recognition that an organization's informational resources are valuable assets in need of protection. This means creating a pervasive organizational understanding about security risks, new security threats and the procedures for keeping workers informed. The second step is to draft and implement risk assessment procedures which incorporate the information security system into the larger business structure. This means treating information security as a business concern just as much as a technical matter for IT specialists. The third step requires holding individuals accountable for information security issues. This is important as it eliminates the possibility of passing responsibility on to security specialists and demands a comprehensive approach to information security. The fourth and final step requires that security risks be monitored and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cultural Controversy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural Controversy - Essay Example The long and short-term effects it has on girls mental, physical and reproductive health renders the term circumcision inapplicable. Furthermore, the process is considered an abuse of human and more so children rights since it is often performed on young girls (World Health Organization). While the proponents insist, the term Female Genital is meant to dehumanize it, the truth is; the term describes it and any objective description of the torturers process is enough to dehumanize it. It is most prevalent in sub Saharan Africa especially among the Somali culture and several others, North, East and horn of Africa communities especially Somalia and Ethiopia (Reymond, et al n.d). In the United Kingdom, girls fall also victim to this senseless ritual, during the summer holiday, which is the longest for schoolchildren. Many girls of African descent, as young as five are sent off to Somalia and elsewhere they are put through this scaring process (Foreign and Commonwealth Office). The tools used are often not sterile, and the resulting wounds can result in fatalities especially when it is done in Africa by illiterate old women trying to uphold â€Å"culture.† It also poses a significant risk of complication during childbirth; this is evidenced by the fact that infant mortality rates are often notably higher in countries that are known to practice FGM. Besides, the removal of the clitoris ensures they can never hope to enjoy sex in posterity. Ultimately, FGM is an extremely painful and inhuman procedure that no girl should have ever to undergo and in most countries, even in Africa it has been outlawed and is only done in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Proposal purpose and hypothesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Proposal purpose and hypothesis - Essay Example Their costs are relatively afforded. Besides, the quality of such facilities in health care provision is laudable. This comes from the attention and close interaction that patients have. This is according to assertions fronted by Caruson and MacManus in 2007. Surgeon (2006) also highlights the benefit of the facilities in providing health care reforms. The medication provided by the care centers is incomparable to conventional ways. These are according to O’Carroll (2002). The rationale behind the study is that Patient Center Medical Homes is that it offers a quality and a less costly form of health care. In doing this, the facilities used must conform to the unique requirements of the patients admitted in such centers (Miller & Moore, 1999). Health care is a mundane aspect of human existence. It is through it that humanity seeks to address the health care problems that it faces. Over the years, humanity has sought advanced ways of handling its social as well as health issues. The advent of PCMH provides a suitable way of addressing the needs of individuals. Besides, it has a unique aspect since every patient is accorded special attention. Besides, it is cheap and costly. This is what forms the rationale behind the study. The following study would be a qualitative one. The frequency of medical conditions warranting care in such facilities will be the dependent variable in the study (Chatterjee & Hevner, 2010). The time taken by patients at the facility will be the independent variable. Caruson, K., & MacManus, S.S. (2007). Protecting vulnerable populations: local government   interactions with public & private agencies serving immobile citizens. Paper presented   at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. Chicago, IL.  Chatterjee, S., & Hevner, A. (2010). Design Research in Information Systems: Theory and Practice. Berlin: Springer US. Spurgeon, K.,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

English - The Corporation book - Key concepts Assignment

English - The Corporation book - Key concepts - Assignment Example results that may be partly explained, according to one study, by the "implicit endorsement of these products by the schools, that is, by permitting them to be advertised in school."" Corporations become involved with schools for the same reason they do everything else-to promote their own and their owners financial interests. "If theres a cardinal rule in preparing sponsored material, "states Ed Swanson of Modern Talking Pictures (an educational marketing company), "it is that it must serve the needs of the communicator first." "The kids were reaching are consumers in training† (Bakan, page 129). Influence is the power to affect someone’s belief that is will lead to a physical change. The two quotes above offer a classical example of the importance of social influence on business. The television set is a major contributor to the influence gained in order to make a business boom. Measuring influence, from a media perspective, is continuously gaining momentum up to date. For example, Mc Donald’s makes it a necessity for children to eat their burgers at this place, so they nag their parents to take them there. The adverts on the television target the children which in turn force their parents to purchase what the child wants. These commercials seem to be grooming consumers for the future. Social influence is a critical element when it comes to success of a business. It tends to persuade the consumer that the product on sale is the best. It helps to fosters consumer- related attitudes at a tender age. Co operations act as the influencers as they are the ones with the knowledge and ideas that will impact how people respond to the commercial. Each commercial is targeted for a definite customer mix, either directly or

Monday, September 23, 2019

Assessment in the Mental Health Setting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Assessment in the Mental Health Setting - Essay Example Assessment is the first stage of the nursing process and begins with the collection of information about a patient (Hinchliff et al, 2003). In a broad sense, assessment is the foundation of nursing care and is a continuous process that nurses apply in their delivery of care (Ryrie and Norman 2010). Barker (2004) also identifies assessment as an estimation of a person’s character, and as a â€Å"decision making process based upon the collection of relevant information, using a formal set of ethical criteria, that contributes to an overall estimation of a person and his circumstances†. However it has been suggested that mental health nursing profession should integrate the broad principles of recovery approach into every aspect of nursing practice including that of assessment (DH 2006). Furthermore, a number of standardised assessment tools has been developed to support nurses further in fulfilling their professional task in clinical measurement and also in providing â₠¬Å"a general outline or the presentation of the person at a particular point in time† (Barker 2004). This essay will now identify, using evidence-based practice, a formal assessment tool used in the assessment of a patient in an acute inpatient assessment ward during a recent clinical placement. Relevant references will be cited to support statements and conclusions; appendices will also be provided to give a sample of the assessment tool used during the placement. In accordance with the Nursing & Midwifery Council’s Code of Professional Conduct (2002) guidelines, certain parts of this original essay such as the patient history will be omitted to maintain confidentiality and protect anonymity. The setting is an acute inpatient ward and a mixed gender unit. It provides a safe environment for assessment, treatment and therapeutic work helping to secure the full spectrum of mental health conditions designed to promote recovery as stated by the Department Of Health (2006). In this essay, I will pay attention to the use of the assessment instrument: Becks Depression Inventory (BDI). This inventory is basically composed of a series of queries conceptualized to measure the intensity and severity of patients with a diagnosis of mental health disorders (Polgar, 2003). The long form covers 21 questions which are meant to evaluate a specific symptom manifest among people with depression. The shorter form is composed of seven questions and is meant to be carried out by primary care givers (Polgar, 2003). This assessment tool was originally meant to evaluate and monitor depression among patients in the mental health setting and is now widely used as a measure and evaluation tool for patients with potentially depressed symptoms. I am fully aware of ethical issues on consent and so I gained a valid and informed consent of the patient in accordance with the NMC provisions (2002, section 3). The patient was made aware that this work would be confidential (NMC, 200 2, section 5). To protect her identity, she will be referred to as Helen in this paper. Helen is 65 years old and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She is currently in the acute mixed gender ward for assessment and treatment. For the past several years she has been admitted on and off into the ward similarly for depressed symptoms, and sometimes for manic symptoms. Rationale in selecting one type of assessment tool Using one type of assessment tool is crucial to the delivery of nursing care. The single assessment process applied to the patient helps to ensure that â€Å"older people’s needs are accurately assessed without needless duplication across different agencies†

Sunday, September 22, 2019

BMW Strategic Scenario ( Corporate Strategy) Case Study

BMW Strategic Scenario ( Corporate Strategy) - Case Study Example Other car manufacturers are hurriedly trying to imitate the Toyota philosophy in their work place. The other car substitutes for BMW include Volkswagen, General Motors and Ford. These car manufacturers use the same parts in their car models and car brands(Larsson & Falkemark, 2006;5) . India's conglomerate TATA has bought the Jaguar from Ford company for one billion pounds. The Jaguar is expected to produce its new medium saloon, the XF, that was sold in Mar1 in the United Kingdom and on in April in the United States. The Jaguar had suffered a slump in sales by as much as forty five percent in the last month alone. This percentage data is translated to having only seven hundred fifty seven cars sold in January alone. The current Jaguar model is the S -type car. In fact, there had been over eight thousand orders for the XF jaguar model around the world. Even Tony Blair tested the XF model himself. The BMW brand also suffered a decline in sales in the same January period. There was a decline of eight percent decrease in sales for the same month of January alone. This is translated into only two thousand five hundred sixteen cars sold for the same thirty day period. The Japanese car, Toyota, which builds cars for prospective clients in Burnaston and Derby, UK had dropped by eleven percent to only eight thousand, four hundred eighty seven only. The Japanese car manufacturing company, Honda, has been producing its cars in Swindon, United Kingdom. Honda has suffered the same fate of declining sales because its sales had declined by two percent. This can be translated to actual sales of only seven thousand seven hundred units. Another Japanese car company, Nissan, has been increasing its car sales. Nissan was able to sell many of its Qashqai model introducing an increase of thirty percent. This can be translated to four thousand six hundred sixty -six new Nissan Qasqui model ("UK Car Industry Cuts," 2008, p. 22). The 2006 year ended with BMW only generating 5.4 percent of the entire car market. the Volkswagen group generated twenty percent of the car market. The average Japanese OEMs gathered a big thirteen and fifty /100 percent of the car market. Meanwhile, Daimler only got a smaller six and 2/10 percent of the market. Renault had gathered eight and 6/10 percentx. Daimler is one of the major competitors of BMW. This company focuses on highly salable products in the car market segments that include mid -size, luxury and sports utility vehicles. Another strong competitor of BMW is the German car manufacturing company called Audi. Audi is a subsidiary car company called Volkswagen. Audi focuses on the very lucrative luxury and high performance car market segment (BMW:207 company profile edition 3: Competitor analysis,2007;p.7). 3.What are the key competencies required in the BMW group industry BMW has many key competencies. The company has been able to develop a new petrol engine family in a joint cooperation project. These engines are used in future models of its MINI cars. This was possible with the help of Matts Carlson's scientific mind. BMW has also

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sons and lovers Essay Example for Free

Sons and lovers Essay In the time that Lawrence Wrote women were thought of as being pure and truthful. Women play an important role in this novel as it often makes us wonder do these characters really exist in reality. Lawrence, in his book Sons and Lovers shares with us many different types of women, in this critical analysis of women in Sons and Lovers I will be dealing with three women Mrs. Morel, Miriam and Lily. Mrs. Morel is the most significant of all the women in the novel, seeing that everything revolves around her. She dislikes her husband because of his persistent consumption of alcohol and the way he abuses her, because of this she focuses all her time and devotion the her two young sons Paul and William. Her love that she gives he two sons can be interpreted as being incestuous desires for instance when Paul is telling his mother that he does not love Miriam and he continuously kisses her. She is treating William and Paul as her partners and is very controlling and she insists on having complete control over them for example when Paul is getting too close to Miriam, Mrs. Morel fears that she will lose control over him and that Miriam being the person that she is will change and bring out the best in Paul. She also fears that Paul is going to forget about her and she is going to be left alone with her drunken abusive husband. As a result of this she chases and treats Miriam badly. The kind of love that is given by Mrs. Morel to her sons is very stifling and there is not much that can come out of such a relationship, because of this Paul is undeveloped and depends on her for everything, he does not know how to be in a relationship and he tells his mother, â€Å"I will not be able to love another as long as you live† this line is important to note because it not only shows that Mrs. Morel’s love is damaging her son but it is also a foreshadowing of what is to come later on in the text. Miriam is another type of woman that Lawrence introduces us to in the novel, she is very shy and soft spoken and slowly falls in love with Paul, she is very spiritual and holy somewhat like a saint/pre-mundane which is spiritual and heavenly. I believe that Miriam will be the salvation of Paul and save him from his mother. She really loves Paul and he is continuously pushing her away because of that stifling attitude of his mother. Miriam has the Power to break Paul away from his mother but does not realize this, or the problem  may be that she is not the fighting type and cannot stand up firm to Mrs. Morel. Paul teaches her French and Algebra but Miriam seems not to understand the algebra and Paul gets extremely annoyed by this he does not understand why she cannot grasp it. He is mean to her because of this and she is extremely clam about the whole situation. Miriam is extremely close to her siblings and takes extremely good care of them and because of this Paul is very angry with her, he does not understand why she does what she does. This is so because Paul was not used to having that amount of love among his siblings. This conflict can also be interpreted as Paul being jealous of the relationship that Miriam has with her siblings. Lilly, a woman that William falls in love with on his stay in London is portrayed to the readers as a Gold-Digger who does not really care about William; she is only with him because of his money and not because of love. Lilly is very rude towards Anne, William’s sister, she orders Anne around on their visit to William’s house. William tells his mother about Lilly and his mother says to leave her. Shortly after when William dies the Morels never hear from Lilly again, only on this one time that she writes to Mrs. Morel stating that she has moved on. The Women in this novel Sons and Lovers play a very important role and has extreme effects on many of the characters whether it be the power of control and possessiveness the fact is that women is symbolic to Lawrence in some way.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Soldiers Home And How to Tell a True War Story Analysis

Soldiers Home And How to Tell a True War Story Analysis War can be defined as a situation in which competing enemies are involved in an active struggle. Different authors have over time written war stories and their effects on individuals. Tim OBrien wrote How to tell a true war story while Ernest Hemmingway wrote Soldiers Home. Both stories illustrate to readers the effects of war on an average person. Both stories are the same in many aspects because both authors had a stint in the army. OBrien served in the Vietnam War and he chooses a narrator in his story who is the same as him. This makes the reader believe in OBriens stories as if they actually happened. Hemmingway, on the other hand, served in the World War I and bases his story on real life experience such as lies, relationships and death. In both stories, we are told that soldiers in a war do whatever that they like. This is supported in Soldiers Home when Krebs does nothing to get a job or make money throughout the day. In How to tell a true War Story OBrien is of the opinion that a soldier yearns for a perfect world while in the battle zone. On his return home, Krebs is truthful and blunt on his answer not caring how others take it. Themes can be referred to as the fundamental ideas that have been explored in a piece of literature. Both stories have the theme of physical and emotional burden in which the characters are both figurative and literal. Both OBrien and Krebs carry loads that are emotionally heavy. The load is composed of terror, grief, longing and love. Each mans burden is related to their emotions. After the end of the war, both men have psychological burden which continue to haunt and define them. They survived the war but continue to carry grief, and confusion. Fear of shame as a motivation is delved in both stories. OBrien experiences in war shows that the motivating factor in war is the fear of feeling ashamed before peers. Krebs also has the fear of relating to the towns people and even his own family. Both stories explain the complexities of relating war experience to story telling/narration. Tim OBrien chooses to have a fictional narrator who is also known by his name Tim OBrien. He shows that the narrator has the power to shape the opinions of his listeners. In both stories, the authors use the stories to allow the listeners tackle the past experiences .They use narratives to pass their message. Loneliness and isolation features prominently in both stories. OBrien explains that there is loneliness and also isolation in Vietnam during the war. He says that loneliness and isolation are destructive the same way as ammunition. Krebs on the other hand is isolated and lonely in his home town since returning from war. He is disillusioned and is unable to fit in his society or even his family. Both titles Soldiers Home and How to Tell a True war story are both ironical. Soldiers home in real sense refers to a place of rest, a place of retirement but in the story, Krebs does not find rest in his home town, in fact he suffers from post traumatic stress and isolation. In How to Tell True War Story, it is ironical that OBrien starts by saying the story is true only to argue later at the end that one should not believe a true war story since it is even impossible for one to tell a war story that it is true. In Soldiers Home, we find that Krebs lies so much to the extent that when he returns home, lying makes him sick. OBrien backs this theme when he says that one Hs to stretch the truth and lie so as to make the public believe ones war story. Krebs tells his stories of war with other war veterans assembled at the pool room. In the same way, OBrien tells others about his war experiences. Readers of Hemmingway story are told that people do not want to hear Krebs stories while on the other hand OBrien also thinks that war stories are meant for people who do not listen. How to Tell a true War Story is not straight forward and does not follow chronological paths from the start to the end like a traditional story. Instead it has a collection of various small stories that have been interspersed with instruction on war stories. The story also has commentary whereby the narrator says that a war story which is true is never moral. The narrator through commentary also argues that distinguishing on what really happened from what seemingly happened in a true war story is difficult. . The protagonists in both How to Tell a True War Story and A Soldiers Home tell the stories of their lives and also about war and its effects on their lives. This can be seen in the modifications of war stories by OBrien and the social isolation of the protagonist in Hemmingways story. In both stories, the protagonists are traumatized by their time in the military service. OBrien accepts that fabrication is essential and relevant to his stories. He agrees on his stress that is post traumatic and admits to telling lies through his literature. Hemmingways depiction on stress occasioned by war differs from that from OBrien because his war veteran, Krebs is recovering from the effects of war on him. Krebs does not like remembering his time in the military. While OBrien likes embellishing and talking about the truth, Krebs was sick of it. Krebs depicts negative effects of war by emotionally alienating himself from the society. He still lives in his parents home and is not married or has any career. Ernest Hemmingways Soldiers Home is not a story about an old soldier in an old peoples home waiting to die, but it is a story of a young man called Harold Krebs who has just returned from war and is unable to figure out what he wants in life. Although he is at home, he does not feel at home. It is like he did not want to come home. Krebs knows that he has changed but everything else in his hometown seems the same. He is expected to pick up and continue with life from where he had left while going to war but he does not know how to do that. He is confused. He feels no one understands what he is undergoing, the turmoil that is within him. The many atrocities he witnessed in the war zone have made him not to believe in God anymore. One feels sorry and sympathy for Krebs. His troubles can be compared to what other war veterans went through when they arrived back home from war. Krebs is timid and uncomfortable in the company of women except his immediate family members. He depicts a picture on how hard it is to be assimilated back in to ones society after military service. Social acceptance as a theme in Ernest Hemmingways Soldiers Home and OBriens How to Tell a True War Story is significant in both stories. Both major characters are isolated socially and are unable to relate well with all those who are around them. It is fair to conclude that neither Krebs nor OBrien is no better off at the end of these stories than when they started. It is understandable that both writers of these stories- Soldiers Home and How to Tell a true war Story were both scarred in the wars. These stories are therefore very personal and the experiences offer us glimpses into the lives of both the authors, their many trials and tribulations that they faced.